- January 7, 2025
- Tucker Law
- Vehicle Accidents
While rail travel has become safer in recent years, train accidents still sometimes cause injury and death in New York and across the country. Commuter railroad companies have been forced to pay out tens of millions of dollars in legal fees and injury settlements, in response to crashes that were deemed preventable or avoidable in a court of law. What follows is a report on a spate of accidents that have occurred more recently, and the ways in which authorities will attempt to rectify this dangerous trend.
If you have been hurt in a train accident, you shouldn’t have to handle the fallout alone. A train accident lawyer may be able to help you recover the compensation you need to heal.
The Facts and Figures
Rail accidents aren’t nearly as common as car accidents, but they can still cause devastating injuries. The following data was taken from the Federal Railroad Administration Office of Safety Analysis website, a comprehensive online database that compiles data on train accidents of all kinds.
In 2023, there were 60 total train accidents in New York. Those accidents break down as follows:
- Derailment: 35
- Side Collision: 2
- Raking Collision: 2
- Highway/Railroad Crossings: 2
- Obstructions: 3
- Other Impacts: 4.
A total of 18 people were injured in New York railroad accidents in 2023, and one person was killed. Here’s a look at the total number of train accidents in New York over the past several years:
- 2022: 60 (9 injured, 2 killed)
- 2021: 55 (8 injured, 0 killed)
- 2020: 56 (7 injured, 0 killed)
- 2019: 58 (19 injured, 3 killed)
- 2018: 96 (5 injured, 1 killed)
- 2017: 78 (145 injured, 2 killed)
- 2016: 38 (42 injured, 0 killed).
Ideally, all of these numbers would skew closer to zero. Hopefully, with unilateral improvements being made country-wide, these figures will continue to decrease throughout the years.
Positive Train Control: Making Railroads Safer
When It Comes to Safety, New York Is Ahead of the Curve
Many theorists within the industry believe that positive train control, implemented across 100% of trains, would most dramatically limit the frequency of accidents. Known as “PTC,” positive train control is a specialized system designed to reduce the risk of railroad accidents.
AREMA, which stands for “American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association,” delineates the four particular characteristics of safety protocols that comprise PTC systems:
- Train separation or collision avoidance
- Line speed enforcement
- Temporary speed restrictions
- Rail worker wayside safety.
In 2020, the Metro-North Railroad and Long Island Rail Road announced that both had successfully implemented PTC.
Essentially, positive train control uses GPS to monitor the movement of a train, and then dictate feedback which could prevent the train in question from performing unsafe movements. For instance, imagine that Train X has a wireless PTC system installed. The PTC system would be able to forecast any dangerous curves that may lay ahead for Train X, and then, by assessing current speed, could alter the way the train proceeded. Either through use of a remote speed-governing apparatus or by relaying important information to on-board conductors, a PTC system could ensure that trains do not take curves at dangerously high speeds.
In full, most PTC systems work collaboratively between the train itself, the on-board train operators, the supervisors charged with monitoring trains, and the track signals used to guide trains.
The only drawback of PTC systems is the estimated cost of mandated nationwide installation. Experts peg the cost of such a mandatory implementation at somewhere between 6 and 22 billion dollars.
If you’ve been hurt in a rail accident, don’t wait — call Tucker Lawyers at (516) 399-2364 for a free consultation.
What You Can Do
The MTA has put out some helpful safety information, which rail riders of all types should read over and put to memory. Of course, things like derailments and collisions are out of your control. But by remaining vigilant, and heeding the following advice, you can help decrease your likelihood of being involved in a train accident. Below is a recap of the MTA’s advice.
Stay Alert!
If you are near train tracks, always assume that a train is inbound. Trains employ many warning systems (crossing guards, warning horns, flashing lights, etc.), but trains move quickly and are still capable of taking the unaware by surprise. By respecting the tracks at all times, it will be less likely that you’re taken unawares. Mind the gap.
Always Walk, Never Run
Do not bump, push, or shove other train or subway riders.
Curiosity Killed the Cat
Resist the impulse to lean over the tracks in an attempt to gauge the proximity of a train. Stay away from platform edges when trains are not in-station.
Do Not Approach Moving Trains
When boarding a train, wait for it to come to a full stop before approaching.
Never Step Down Onto Subway Tracks for Any Reason
Do not try and retrieve your belongings if you accidentally drop them onto the tracks. Nothing you own is worth endangering your life! If you drop something onto the tracks, alert a police officer or train/station personnel.
Cross Carefully
Cross train tracks only at pre-designated crossing spots, and never when crossing guards are down or red warning lights are flashing.
Don’t Walk on Train Tracks
Walking down train tracks is both dangerous and illegal. Trespassing on these grounds puts you at risk of arrest and, worse, puts your life in danger.
Use Caution When Driving, Too
When driving, do not try to “beat” the crossing guards. Waiting for trains to pass is a hassle, especially if you are in a rush. But if you see the guards coming down in front of you, it is important that you stop your vehicle before the tracks.
Railroads: An Integral Part of Life in New York
The New York City subway system is the largest in the world, by number of stops, with a staggering 472 stations currently in operation. (However, some of these stations are connected by transfers, and if you do not account for this type of duplicate, the figure stands at only 424 stations.) This complex network ranges through Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx, though the numbers above exclude the standalone Staten Island subway line, which does not connect to the nexus servicing the other four boroughs. With so many stations in so many areas, almost all of New York City is reached easily and accessibly by subway. At Tucker Lawyers, we realize that many of our clients rely on the NYC subway to get to and from work and their homes.
The Long Island Rail Road is a commuter rail that spans the length of Long Island, terminating in New York City’s Penn Station. Every week, over 333,000 commuters ride aboard the “LIRR,” making it the busiest commuter railroad in North America. The Montauk station is the easternmost railroad station on Long Island. A backbone of the island, the Long Island Railroad’s 700 miles of total track are populated by trains 24/7, 365 days a year. Featuring 124 stations, almost every Long Islander has a station that they can call their own.
Amtrak, a blendword whose component names are “America” and “Track,” actually services more than just America. Amtrak runs through every state in the contiguous United States save Wyoming and South Dakota and, additionally, runs through three provinces in Canada: British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec. Like the Long Island Railroad, Amtrak also utilizes Penn Station as its New York hub.
The Metro-North Commuter Railroad, however, runs out of Manhattan’s other major train terminal: Grand Central Station. Known more commonly as the “Metro-North,” this train transports Connecticut residents into and out of New York City.
With so many train systems, comprised of so many individual trains, it is perhaps impossible to eliminate train accidents entirely. However, improvements in train safety systems, like PTC, and the evolution of train safety awareness should lead to a safer overall environment for rail riders and operators in the future.
Have You Been Hurt in a Train Accident?
You Deserve Skilled, Dedicated Representation
If you have been hurt in a train or subway accident of any kind, it is important that you seek the counsel of a compassionate, capable, and professional law team. At Tucker Lawyers, our attorneys have the experience and expertise necessary to win you the compensation you deserve. As you focus on recuperation, we can lead the charge in your case. Through the use of cutting-edge technology and tried-and-true technique, we will gather evidence and eyewitness testimony, build the foundations of your legal strategy, and maximize your compensation. Train accidents are harrowing ordeals, and you deserve to be repaid for not only the physical pain you’ve endured but the mental anguish you’ve experienced.
Our consultations are a free and easy way to get started. Call Tucker Lawyers at (516) 399-2364 today!
Managing Attorney John. J. Tucker, Esq.
John has personally handled thousands of clients who were victims of another’s negligence and fights relentlessly for their rights. John enjoys bringing closure to a client’s matter so that the injured party can move forward with their life. His background enables him to evaluate complex liability related claims and bring resolution to claims in a record time frame. [ Attorney Bio ]